I've Got A Gun x 2

The original version of 'I've Got A Gun' was written and recorded in 2018.

"In all but one country in the West,
Democracy does not exist.
The man with the gun THEY are obliged to condemn,
So if you've got a weapon, don't give it to them!

I've got a gun. I've got a gun.
I've got a gun, better get yourself one
Before the black helicopters come.

I got a gun to save myself,
From those with the power
And those with the wealth.
Without my gun, Mr President,
What's going to protect me 
From the government?

I've got a gun. I've got a gun.
I've got a gun, better get yourself one
Before the black helicopters come.

When they succeed in repossessing 
All your Glocks and Steyrs,
The government and the criminals
Will still have theirs.
When I get a visit from the powers-that-be
At least I'll take some of them with me.

We all need protection 
From the men at the top,
The billionaire banker 
And the Thought Cop.
You get to live and love and fight
At least one more day
As long as you don't give 
Your guns away!

I've got a gun. I've got a gun.
I've got a gun, better get yourself one
Before the Super Galaxies and the coffins come

With my gun 
I can beat the odds,
Defeat the elite
And cheat the gods,
And keep the criminal
Class at bay
And do the things I do
In my own way.

I've got a gun. I've got a gun.
I've got a gun, better get yourself one
Before the black helicopters come.

Without my gun 
To cover your back,
Who's going to keep 
Deep State in check?
When all the gun owners are
Doing time,
Who's gonna protect you 
From violent crime?

Pretty soon they'll be coming
For everyone,
But it won't be so easy
If you've got a gun.
When they finally arrive
To murder me,
At least I'll die
Gun in hand and free.

I've got a gun. I've got a gun.
I've got a gun, better get yourself one
Before the Men-in-Black and the ATF come."

'GAZA: A Lesson' is an updated version of the song, 'I've Got A Gun!'

It was written and recorded in 2023.
"I've got a gun to save myself,
From those with the power and those with the wealth.
Without my gun, Mr President,
Who's going to protect me from the government?

I got a gun, Better get yourself one,
Before the black helicopters come.

Once I asked as I knelt to pray,
'Should I give my guns away?'
Back come the answer from the Holy Father:
'Remember the fate of gunless Gaza!'

Soon they'll be coming for everyone,
But it won't be so easy if you got a gun.
When they finally arrive to murder me,
I'm gonna die gun in hand and free.

I got a gun, Better get yourself one,
Before the black helicopters come.

The overhead drone and the bullet in the head,
At the mercy of the sniper who wants you dead.
Don't think to hand in your old carbine,
When you got the example of Palestine!

I got a gun, Better get yourself one,
Before the Super Galaxies and the coffins come.

Russia, Gaza, free speech, Iran,
War, war, war is the masterplan.
The great conflagration must come to pass,
Before the vaccine dead awake the mass.

We all need protection from the men at the top!
The billionaire banker and the Thought Cop!
Should THEY decide upon WW3,
THEY won't be asking you and THEY won't ask me!

I got a gun, Better get yourself one,
Before the black helicopters come.

Which of these two would you rather,
A day in hell or an hour in Gaza?
Though I do not mean to burst your bubble,
There's a hell of a lot of little ones under the rubble.

I got a gun, Better get yourself one,
Before the men in black and the IDF come."

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