John Hill wrote this song in November 2024.
He has updated the lyrics since the song was recorded.
"Goddamn your phoney climate scam!
Your resets and your law!
I'm not going to play when the fix is in,To hell with the next world War!
I lost my job and trailer home,
And prospects at your hand.
'Cos I wouldn't line up for a COVID shot,
That killed kinfolk and friend.
I'm not your slave, I won't behave,
I'll be your slave no more!
I will not pay your butcher bill,
To hell with the Third World War!
I gotta die for what?
So you get to keep the lot?
So you get to fix the vote again,
And steal the whole damn pot?
I'm not your slave, I'm not your slave,
I'll be your slave no more!
Find another sucker for your early grave,
To hell with the Third World War!
You held me down ten thousand year,
I'm done with chickenhearted fear,
Time to put aside disgrace,
And stick my courage to the sticking place!
I'm not your slave, I won't behave,
I'll be your slave no more!
I will not pay your butcher bill,
To hell with the Third World War!
I gotta die for what?
So you get to keep the lot?
So you get to fix the vote again,
And steal the whole damn pot?
To hell with bought politician,
Big Pharma and the Covid Shot!
I'll meet BlackRock and Bankster
With everything I've got!
I'm not your slave, I'm not your slave,
I'll be your slave no more!
I'll never pay your butcher bill,
To hell with the Third World War!
I'm not your slave, I'm not your slave,
I'll be your slave no more!
Find another sucker for the early grave,
To hell with the Third World War!"
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