Our father, Larry, is the odd one out. He's an Englishman. Went looking to make his fortune in New York City back in 1975, met a girl and ended up here.
With a different girl.
That'd be our mother. The rock. The rock, as Jimmy likes to say, to his wind!
Now my brothers, with the exception of Beau, who's more of a dreamer like his daddy, and me and our mother, we're all hard working, down-to-earth types. However, we all had a musical upbringing. My mother plays piano, my father his old guitar, and us, well, between us, we can get a tune out of almost anything.
Anyway, a few years back, Butch, Zeke and John got their act together and set about building a proper studio.
This album come out of there.
And you know what? It's the strangest thing, daddy just refuses to come down and get himself recorded properly. 'Too late for me,' he says. 'Up to you guys now.'
'Course that ain't the real reason. Like my momma says, he's just a lazy, old Englishman, scribbling away with his feet up in front of the TV, or tapping away on the computer, trying to change the world without getting his hands dirty.
Now that's his politics you're hearing in the songs. The rest of us, except for John, who's on the same page pretty much, we're not exactly revolutionary. By and large, 'the animals at the top of the tree,' as Daddy likes to put it, leave us alone up here. Mind you daddy's anti-establishment outlook makes for some decent lyrics, don't you think?
And, of course, his view of the world doesn't do the Dakota Hills 'bad boy' brand any harm at all.
There's a page in this blog where he gets to lecture y'all. Sorry about that. Quotations from famous people and the like. Well, it ain't my thing, but he wouldn't have contributed at all if we hadn't let him have that page. For a diplomatic, old English charmer who has a habit of NOT speaking straight out (except when it comes to politics), he sure can dig his heels in when he wants to.
Anyway, if you're interested, some of his old material can be heard here too, along with ALL of original versions of the songs on the album. It's a pretty interesting collection. All sorts of different stuff.
What's it all doing here? When it doesn't have much to do with where we're at now? Well, everything has a beginning, and our father's way with words and music was our beginning. HE is where WE come from. Thought folks might find the development/progression interesting.
If you like poetry, there's also some of that.
Hannah 💗
Larry says: What do I think of Hannah, et al. and their 'progression?' What do I think of them interfering with my songs to the point where they are, for the most part, unrecognizable? Well, I reckon most of what they've worked on has been greatly improved. If I'd had the technological expertise back in the day I might have come up with something similar!
Anyway, boys and girls, keep it up.
Old Father Time is impressed! xxx
Signed, Oldfather
Hannah: Back in your box, Daddy! You're trespassing here! ðŸ˜
John: Don't get into it with him, Hannah! You get him going he'll be poking his nose in everywhere!
Oldfather: 😮😮😮
John: See what I mean?
Hannah: 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠ðŸ˜
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